Monday, June 8, 2009

Our Amazing Garden

Without much effort on my part our garden has really exploded (compare these pics to the first pics of our garden!). The drip system that was already installed for the ugly bushes that were there previously has been plenty of water (although I do soak that tomatoes once a week). So far we have harvested green onions (although I thought I was planting white onions), red and green cabbage, round zucchini (about 5 so far!), green beans, one green bell pepper, carrots (very small and twisted because we planted them too close together), blueberries, and tons of basil, mint and rosemary. All of our tomato plants are full of green tomatoes and we have a sugar snap pea plant that would reach the sky if we let it, but still no peas. We are also expecting cantaloupe, artichokes, yellow bell peppers, sweet corn, and lots of yellow and red tomatoes. Hanna and Syd had a great time "harvesting" today.

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