Monday, June 15, 2009


We first bought these generic patio chairs to kinda match our strapped hanging chairs. Tim was not satisfied with these because they were more of an 80's style and he got a lot of heat for them when he posted them on the "Lotta Livin'" Forum (a mid-century modern message board where a lot of MCM geeks - like Tim - compare their furniture and get ideas for remodels). Anyway, they were only like $5 each at Redlands Thrift so we decided to keep them. We even thought they look cool under our new umbrella.

A couple days ago, Tim made a quick stop at Redlands Thrift and found these beauties! They are Brown Jordan Kailua Patio Chairs from 1971 (they have the original tag). Tim found the original add also. They need to be powder coated and restrapped, but they are being sold online (ebay) for $300 each once refinished. Jackpot! Too bad we like them too much to ever sell them!

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